What is Expected of Me as a Member of The Rotary Club of Lake Norman-Huntersville?
The Rotary of old where 100% attendance was the expectation, our Rotary club understands the issues facing busy professionals of today. We are more interested in "engagement" then meeting attendance. However we do need to establish some minimum standards.Joining the Rotary Club of Lake Norman-Huntersville is a commitment to provide "Service Above Self." Our Club membership desires that you attend a minimum of 50% of our Club meetings. "Makeups" are easily made at other club meetings, Rotary functions and events, online makeups and/or committee or board meetings. Achieving greater than 50% is not difficult and most of our members far exceed this minimum.
Rotary International Dues - $26.50 per quarter
Club Dues - $26 per quarter
Rotary District Dues - $17.50 per quarter
Breakfast - $130 per quarter
Paul Harris Fellow Contribution - $25/quarter a tax deductible contribution to Rotary's Charity, The Rotary Foundation. Doing so qualifies you to be a sustaining member in the Paul Harris Fellowship. Almost all of our members participate in this worthy charitable contribution to OUR charity.
Total dues = $225 per quarterly (remember that $130 of that is food and room rental)
Happy Dollars - voluntary, proceeds to our club’s charitable giving programs.
Weekly 30/30/30 - voluntary, proceeds to our club’s charitable giving programs.
Regular participation in our club's charitable activities.
Typical financial commitment with all other charitable activities, including breakfast fees is about $1000/year.
Club members are encouraged to participate in all Club activities. The Club is comprised of service-oriented business leaders who sacrifice their time, talents and treasures to enhance the quality of charitable giving to meet both local and world needs. The Club cannot depend upon any one individual to serve the needs, so teamwork and ability to take a leadership role is cultivated when adding new members. Our Rotarians are a selected group of philanthropic-minded individuals who enjoy giving of their resources to those in need.
It is expected that each Club member will actively seek similarly-minded potential Rotarians for consideration to membership.
Rotarians wear their Rotary pin with pride! Wear your name badge at all Rotary functions and introduce yourself to others.
You can (and we encourage you to) volunteer to take on and lead, or participate in, any of our fundraisers, projects or activities.
Live by the Rotary's Guiding Principles in your personal and business life.
Please explore the rest of this website as well as Rotary International's website for more information.